"Where The Toy's Still Flying!"

It all began with a face

UOWCIII was looking into the distance with the quietest act of curiosity - a face of wonder. And, with no movement in sight, we could almost feel that which was being seen - the face's ethereal motion from our eyesight to its own delicate outward spectacle.

With such greatness, and much intrinsic happiness, we were fascinated by that which we could not yet see. Simply, of a feeling, of a place where this face could maybe see, or was meant to be.

And from here, we can only imagine this wondrous dimension in the capacity of our own sense of allurement - we envision, in "Real Life", "Where The Toy's Still Flying!"

...Of universal anticipation

It was as if a captivated audience of universal anticipation was ascending the ambitions of a blue sky, as white clouds pleasingly floated by...

A paper aeroplane

For what we couldn't see, we imagined; we imagined throwing a Paper Aeroplane into the sky, softly, and from the warm green grass below, we watched the sky with child-like fascination.

The Paper Aeroplane magically vanished from our hands, as the wonder of the world in front of us entered our minds as a fresh smile of pure excitement.

And from here, we're still imagining

We wonder where the aeroplane went. And from here, we're still imagining...

A tiny creation of our mind

We thought, what if "Objects + "Ideas" are the only things that exist? Does the "Object" represent our physical reality, whilst the "Idea" is merely a tiny creation of our mind?

Blur the boundaries between curiosity & possibility

We felt an overwhelming sense of spirit, wondering how we were able to explore the transformations of the products of the imagination and their reality in the "Objects" of the "real" - how they blur the boundaries between curiosity and possibility. How does the innovation of the object's definition create prompts that stimulate the mind to cultivate optimum thought signals and maze-like patterns with immediate reactions to the "Object" of familiarity? How does this convert the things we interact with every day into exciting "Ideas", floating in the air like a toy - a miniature "make-believe" building block quietly playing amongst a playground we're yet to walk through - a playground we're yet to touch.

Just the beginning

An "Object" - an "Idea" - and just the beginning...

Anticipation fuel stations

We imagine we stand from a viewpoint of walls that tower before us - we think of transparent partitions, as more city buildings and towering skyscrapers are raised to the sky.

Glass-fronted stores and random imposing structures gather where automobile showrooms, art galleries, and corporate meeting venues merge; we watch on as colourfully conspicuous digital advertising boards serve as anticipation fuel stations. 

Entirely distinct; wholly adaptable

UOWCIII's source of inspiration springs from the diverse anatomy of industry environments, their functionalities, and their associated "Objects"; and, whilst they can physically possess similar visual identities, their ultimate objectives, advancements and "Ideas" can be almost entirely distinct - wholly adaptable; where the subtlety of an "Idea" is brought to life by the definition of its exuberant means of presentation.

"Ideas" - big, small - some you can not see - some driven by your own curiosity...

Introducing The Jelly Bowl

The Jelly Bowl ⟶

The "Idea" of the Jelly Bowl

Our minds carry on flying as we see many "Objects". We wonder how these things, touchable, on the tip of our finger, co-exist with "Ideas" relayed through perceptible channels and abstract modifiable concepts. In this experimental sphere, we visualise to explore the boundaries of quixotism and utopianism through the abstract loop of "Objects" + "Ideas" and their fabrication, where consciousness meets with our physical tangibility of reality, validity, and overall perception, somehow defined by the colours and clarity of our senses.

"It was as if we were there"

We think of familiarity as an experience afloat with tangibility.

We think of things possibly experimental and potentially developable, like happiness on a conveyor belt or tiny strings of toys amusingly hanging from the ceiling of a sweet shop or a futuristic Doughnut emporium.

And when we visualised, it was as if we were there: We stood at The Jelly Bowl - we could see its luminescence shining through the front cladding - we were immersed by its cheerful grandeur. The towering structure was looming over the blue sky - and it displayed a roundish and glossy appearance. A small turf area at the front featured vibrant green grass, with a tiny railing that extended a warm, pleasant invitation.

The façade of the structure was immediately noticeable in the open expanse, with a substantial Doughnut and signage for UOWCIII and The Jelly Bowl, confirming our arrival at the designated spot. Situated atop the structure was a helipad-style landing area for aerial conveyance.

And then, when you step inside, you'll discover a spectacular scene of rain - but not water rain, oh no, but rain of Strawberry Jelly, resulting in the most delightful, shiny Jelly puddles.

We saw ourselves standing and gently smiling, immersed in an expansive interior. It almost resembled a gallery - open, like an airport - seamless, like a car showroom - clean, sharp, smooth edges that stood the equal distance between the “Objects" we saw and "Ideas" we “believed”.

The colours we saw caught our attention - and the excitement was mirrored, reminding us of familiarity and the enchanting allure of a sweet shop. Unusually shaped doors and curiously coloured floors, confectionery and Doughnut slides, sloping down from the ceiling, and "brochure" vending machines with colourful buttons.

There was grass inside and there were vivid worlds that you could walk through or carefully skip through - like playgrounds on a roundabout, so dizzy they see only the ceiling in the ground and then think if you entered a high-speed elevation unit destined to ground floor and you arrive at the ceiling. And then when you get there, you can probably walk upside-down, then turn the other way and sip Soft Ice through a zig-zag straw and enjoy some nice tasty Doughnuts. 

An enigma, yet to be unravelled

And then we woke up... But still, we thought, "How do we initiate this rather illogical endeavour?" We considered the scenario of a brochure eagerly collected, for one day you may just visit, or you may just imagine your visitation.

This brings us to wonder how the robust presence of 'Objects' stimulates the imagination, whilst 'Ideas' possess a timeless quality; we considered the analogy of a Paper Aeroplane that is thrown into the sky and remains unfound, maybe unreturnable, but still alive, still afloat, symbolising the longevity and enduring nature of "Ideas".

The Jelly Bowl explores how the "Object" can pose as a house for the greatest "Ideas" or the tiniest "Ideas” - the greatest aspirations - the happiest feelings - and the most authentic portals of reality.

Whether the "Jelly Bowl" is a mere metaphor, an audacious "dream", or a tangible possibility of reality, or perhaps a fusion of all these elements, remains an enigma yet to be unravelled...

Imitating the good of the utopia

How vastly can "Ideas" become multi-dimensional by inhabiting the life of the "Object"? How can "Objects" become portals into new worlds through the adapting thread of images travelling through the lifetime of an "Idea", as if it is a physical "real life" character, imitating the "good" of the utopia? Maybe this utopia can simply make us want to smile, with "Objects" that carry stories in such a way that we no longer look for the ultimate conclusion, but where "toys" are mirroring our anticipation, and sprouting like playground mushrooms. Maybe when nothing seems to connect or have immediate meaning or relevance, the connection is strengthened by the "Idea" you can't yet see, to possess a feeling so robust you can feel a heightened sense of infinity with the greatest perception of instant, unworldly, almost child-like optimism.

Everything begins to launch itself into an extravaganza of "life"

We stand alongside colourful "Objects" as everything begins to launch itself into an extravaganza of "life" in its most dramatic costume - like a clown that stands in silence, with no act of words - a universal gesture, loosely spoken in a mere wave of ambition, aptly displayed in the humour of the present.


In this experimental sphere, UOWCIII is the central character, exploring the nonsensical experiences of the imagination through "Objects" + "Ideas".

With the introduction of the "Object", UOWCIII transcends its virtual nature, occupying UOWCIII Editions.

These Editions almost pose as a house for "Ideas" - a tangible portal into the playful, optimistic worlds of UOWCIII.


"Where The Toy's Still Flying!"

UOWCIII’s “playgrounds” are characteristically colourful and distinct by the absence of their visual subtleties, mimicking the fantastical, exuberant launches of life.

Playful by nature, UOWCIII invites you to follow along in this story, as the eponymous character emerges in new dimensions with adapting proportions, characterised by the shapes that define the storylines of these imaginary worlds. 

From the first aura of enthralment, to the future of UOWCIII, we envision the world "Where The Toy's Still Flying!" - Where we're still looking for the "Paper Aeroplane".

This vision is almost encapsulated by the enigma of the "Jelly Bowl", as we continue to explore the allure of the imagination, new worlds and infinite possibilities through this experimental arena, as "Objects" and "Ideas" exhibit the colours and delicate simplicities of universal joy, gentle anticipation and pure, flourishing happiness.